Product Description
VA R I E T Y100% Sauvignon Blanc.V I T I C U LT U R EVertical shoot positioned, cane pruned and2500 plants per hectare. The soil is ancientriverbed comprised of free draining stony siltand loam topsoil.V I N TAG EThe 2014 growing season was defined by itsweather, beginning with one of the warmeststarts on record. September to Novemberexperienced above average temperaturesleading to an early flowering in December,then a reversal featured cooler than averagetemperatures January through to April -resulting in a highly desirable retention ofpristine flavours across all our varietals.W I N E M A K I N GTemperature controlled fermentation instainless steel tanks with carefully selectedyeast strains, chosen for their ability tocapture the true essence of Sauvignon Blanc.A N A LY S I S Alcohol 13.0%pH 3.10Titratable Acidity 7.13g/lResidual Sugar 4.2g/lC O L O U R Pale straw with a light green hue.A R O M A Vibrant aromatic notes of lemongrass andKaffir lime zest leap from the glass, leavingyou in no doubt, this is classic WaihopaiSauvignon Blanc.PA L AT E The citrus fuelled aromatic thread thatdominates the nose, carries through tothe palate with concentrated flavours ofmandarin and musky pink grapefruit.Fine, ripe acids and a slightly heightenedsense of roundness characterise the palateand speak strongly to the warmth of the2013 14 growing season.FO O D M AT C H I N GFor sheer simplicity try a fresh green saladthat contrasts the spicy crunch of watercresswith the savoury creaminess of Chevre (orbetter yet; your favourite local goats cheese).For something a little more substantial, try(Kaikoura) crayfish risotto with garden freshpeas and asparagus.C ELL A R I N G P O T E N T I A LCrafted to enjoy whilst its fruit flavours andvibrancy are at their peak; we recommenddrinking this wine within 2 3 years of vintagedate.